5 Myths About Dental Implants

Implant dentistry is the go-to method for addressing tooth loss. These revolutionary prosthetics make it possible to enjoy a smile that looks and functions like natural teeth. If you have questions about this tooth replacement treatment option, we encourage you to consult with our implant dentist.

Since dental implants are a newer way to replace lost teeth when compared to other tooth replacement options, many folks have misconceptions about them. Here, we dispel five common myths about dental implants.

#1 Implants Won’t Look Natural

While the implant itself is made from titanium, it is not visible. Since a dental implant is embedded into the jawbone, the gums will conceal its structure.

Prosthetics and restorations attached to dental implants, however, are visible. Fortunately, patients can choose lifelike materials like porcelain for the visible portions of their replacement teeth. Porcelain perfectly mimics the appearance and texture of biological teeth.

#2 Only Senior Citizens Have Dental Implants

While mature patients are more likely to have prosthetics, dental implants make suitable replacement teeth for adults of all ages. Younger patients who have biologically missing teeth and those who have lost teeth to injury or disease may benefit from choosing dental implants.

#3 Dental Implants Are Hard to Care For

Caring for most prosthetics can be cumbersome. Fortunately, dental implants are low maintenance. Cleaning implants and their prosthetics is as simple as thoroughly brushing your teeth and flossing. Implants are fixed replacement teeth, so they do not require overnight soaking.

#4 I Won’t Enjoy My Favorite Foods with Implants

Since implants are held in place by the jawbone, they provide unprecedented control over your oral function. Having dental implants means you can enjoy a diet of diverse foods, including fibrous and chewy items.

#5 Dental Implants are Too Expensive

Dental implants can actually be more affordable than other prosthetics when you factor in how long they last. Implants can last decades longer than other prosthetics like bridges and dentures. Moreover, they offer unique benefits that can’t compare to conventional tooth replacement methods.

We are accepting new patients. Call Aesthetic Dental Partners to schedule a tooth replacement consultation with our implant dentist.

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