A Checklist For Your Next Dental Visit

To promote optimal oral health, you want to make the most of your visits to the dentist, especially if they only happen every six months for routine care. It can be helpful to prepare by creating a checklist that includes all of the things you will want to touch on at your checkups.

Your Dental Check-up: What To Expect

A basic dental check-up consists of a professional cleaning and an exam. Both of these services are instrumental to maintaining your oral health.

A professional dental cleaning gives an experienced hygienist an opportunity to clean the areas of your teeth that it is difficult for you to reach on your own. Furthermore, a dentist can use professional-grade tools to eliminate any tartar buildup that cannot be removed by brushing and flossing alone.

As such, your semi-annual teeth cleanings help to keep oral bacteria at a minimum, reducing your risk of oral diseases like tooth decay or gum disease.

The second part of your routine check-up is the exam in which your dentist will thoroughly inspect your teeth and soft oral tissues looking for any concerning signs or symptoms.

When a professional is monitoring your smile every six months in this manner, it greatly increases the chances of detecting any issues in their earliest stages when they can be most easily treated. As such, routine check-ups are a key component of managing your oral health.

Preparing For Your Check-up

To successfully maintain a healthy smile, you should view yourself as a partner with your dentist. After all, you’re doing most of the heavy lifting at home to keep your smile in shape between your visits to our office. We recommend that you come to your appointment prepared to discuss:

  • Questions about dental hygiene or your oral health
  • Information about any concerning oral health symptoms
  • Updates on any changes to your overall health or medications you are taking

If you are new to our practice, you will also want to be sure to bring:

  • Your dental insurance and health insurance cards
  • Any pertinent records from previous providers, including recent x-rays
  • Information about your history of dental treatments/care

If you have any questions about what to add to your checklist for a successful check-up, feel free to reach out to us and speak to one of our friendly staff members.

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