A Well Balanced Diet Helps Keep Teeth Bright and Healthy

dentist WurzbachThe definition of a well-balanced diet is one that includes the proper amount of nutritious fruits and vegetables, dairy products, protein based foods, limited carbohydrates and sweets and plenty of fluids to keep your body functioning properly (preferably water). A well-balanced diet is not enough though to keep teeth healthy. Brushing twice daily with a fluoridated toothpaste, flossing daily and visiting your dentist every six months for cleaning and exam are all recommended to maintain healthy dentition.

In an ideal scenario, we would all have a healthy diet readily available for daily consumption. But with busy schedules, pursuing the perfect diet is not always easy. Breaking down the healthiest choices available and how to make them easy to grab quickly takes practice and discipline. Recommendations include:

Fresh fruits and vegetables – A visit to the grocery store will reveal many of the healthy foods we should be eating area readily available. Some are prepackaged in single servings already; however, you can save a little money by preparing snack size servings of fruits and vegetables to be ready to grab at a moment’s notice when you’re running out the door.

Dairy – Yogurt, cheese, and milk are all great choices, but just like anything else you need to watch for sugar and fat content.

Protein – Meat, fish, poultry and eggs are all great sources of protein. However, there are so many other offerings to obtain protein such as beans, nuts, and seeds in addition to dairy products already mentioned.

Carbohydrates and sweets – Eaten in moderation, just about anything is okay to consume. Carbs and sweets are both known to cling to bacteria already present on teeth allowing plaque to build. Plaque build-up is known to lead to dental decay and the onset of gum disease. These problems require a visit to the dentist for correction.

Fluids – We should not rely on saliva alone to keep the mouth flushed. However, sugary soda or “healthy” sports drinks should be limited. Water can be enjoyed infused with your favorite fruit; unsweetened coffee and tea are water based, but be aware of caffeine consumption and the potential for dental stain.

A good daily oral hygiene regimen coupled with a well-balanced diet is important for healthy teeth and gums; keeping twice yearly trips to the dentist for cleaning is essential to maintain oral health. Call our team at Aesthetic Dental Partners today to schedule your next visit.

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