Are there diet restrictions after root canal therapy?

If you are facing a root canal, you want to do everything possible to achieve a good outcome. This includes following all post-treatment instructions provided by your dentist. Doing so will minimize your risk of complications that can interfere with your healing process.

One area of focus after root canal treatment is dietary restriction. As is the case with most dental work, you will need to limit what types of foods you eat for a few days. Additionally, you will need to take other steps to care for the treated tooth as it heals.

What to Eat (And Not Eat) After Root Canal Therapy

While root canals are not nearly as uncomfortable as most people believe, the treated tooth may still be sensitive following the treatment. As such, you will want to limit your food intake to softer foods for the first few meals after your root canal.

Here are just a few suggestions of foods that can work well for patients after root canal therapy:

  • Fruit smoothies
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Cooked vegetables
  • Mashed potatoes

There are also certain foods that patients should avoid after a root canal, including:

  • Sticky, hard or crunchy foods that could dislodge a temporary crown, as well as those that require extensive chewing
  • Very hot, cold or spicy foods that could trigger sensitivity in the tooth
  • Alcohol, which can cause bleeding

Other Considerations for Root Canal Recovery

Follow all directions provided by your dentist after a root canal procedure, whether they pertain to diet, oral hygiene or some other aspect of post-treatment care.

One of the biggest risks of root canal complication is that of infection. If infection develops after root canal therapy, you may need to repeat the treatment. Therefore, you should continue to clean the site as directed, taking care to avoid disrupting a temporary crown placed to protect the treated tooth.

You may also have some minor discomfort for a day or two after the procedure. You may be able to resolve this using a simple rinse of lukewarm salt water. If pain persists, you can also use over-the-counter painkillers.

Do you have other questions about what is involved with root canal therapy and the recovery period afterward? Don’t hesitate to call our office and talk to our knowledgeable staff members about your concerns.

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