Bad Breath: Could a rotting tooth be the cause?

Bad Breath: Could a rotting tooth be the cause?

There are many issues that can contribute to halitosis, more commonly known as bad breath. Infected teeth and gum tissue can be a primary cause, and seeking the advice of our dentists to determine the exact origin of bad breath can get to the root cause of the problem.

If you have a tooth that is badly decayed, you might experience bad breath. Dental decay is generally due to a build-up of bacteria on the tooth. Bacteria form and build up on a tooth that is not properly brushed and flossed allowing plaque to form on the tooth and at the gum line. Seeing your dental provider for a professional cleaning and exam twice per year can aid in preventing excessive plaque build-up.

Another contributing factor to a rotting tooth and the resulting bad breath can be gum disease. Gum disease can occur for many reasons. Contrary to popular opinion, gum disease is not hereditary. If there is a history of gum disease in your family, you can break the cycle by listening to your dentist and following the basic rules of good oral hygiene. Daily flossing and brushing at least twice per day with a fluoridated toothpaste or gel will give you the edge in fighting gum disease. [pullquote]Bad breath can result from many sources, from what we eat to dental problems.[/pullquote]

Heavy smokers and tobacco users also experience a higher incidence of gum disease. Research has proven that smokers have many more dental problems than those who abstain from tobacco use.

Once your dentist has found the source of your bad breath, you will have several options. If you are suffering from a rotting tooth, based on the extent of the damage to your tooth, your dentist might be able to save it. Perhaps a root canal will be the answer to remove any underlying infection in the root of your tooth. Treatment following a root canal is needed to seal the tooth.

If gum disease is the culprit, root planning and scaling above and below the gum line might be in order to restore healthy gum tissue. Or if your periodontal condition has escalated, there are other options your dentist can recommend to return your gums to a healthy state.

Bad breath can result from many sources, from what we eat to dental problems. Chewing mints will only mask the problem. Seeing your dentist to get the care needed will not only solve your problems now, but might save you from more extensive dental work in the future. Don’t wait to see if this problem will take care of itself – call our dentists in San Antonio today at 210-616-0858.