Brushing Up on Dental Hygiene Basics

dentistry San AntonioTeeth begin their formation in the womb. A child’s teeth begin to erupt at four to six months of age. As those first baby teeth emerge, a life of dental care begins in earnest. Your child should have their first visit with the dentist at around twelve months of age, and this is a perfect opportunity to learn everything you can to promote healthy teeth and gums for the entire family.

Although dentistry has made great strides, keeping your own teeth healthy for your lifetime is a worthy goal that requires you to:

Brush Twice Daily

Using a soft bristle toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste is a good start to a healthy daily oral regimen. It is not necessary to scrub teeth; your dentist can demonstrate the correct technique for maximum benefits. Children require age appropriate toothpaste and help for this task … it’s not enough to remind them to brush. Supervision and assistance are usually required.

Floss Daily

Brushing only reaches about two thirds of the surface of your teeth, so brushing alone is not sufficient.

Flossing daily cleans the teeth by removing what your toothbrush missed. With the proper flossing technique, gum tissue is invigorated helping to maintain healthy gingiva. There are many types of floss available, so there’s something that should appeal to everyone.

Maintain a Healthy Diet and Lifestyle

The daily diet should be comprised primarily of vegetables, fruits, dairy, protein, and healthy grains. An occasional treat is okay, but should not be considered a daily staple.

Water should be consumed daily to keep the body and mouth properly hydrated. Unsweetened coffee and tea are fine, but keep in mind their teeth staining capability and caffeine content. Soda and sugary or fruity beverages should be saved for special occasions. You can perk up water with fresh fruit or a sugar free flavoring for variety.

Do not smoke or use tobacco in any form. It is well documented that smokers are much more likely to suffer from gum disease increasing the odds of tooth loss.

A critical step in maintaining healthy teeth and gums involves seeing your dentist every six months for cleaning and dental exam. This visit will remove all plaque that has formed since your previous visit which is crucial for decay and disease prevention. The exam may catch problems early on to help prevent costly, time consuming treatment.

If you need to schedule a checkup, contact our office today!

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