12 Sep Dental Implants Are Easy To Care For

Dental implants are often recommended as a long-term solution to beautifying your smile. Dental implants don’t fail often, but in some cases, failures do happen. What happens if your dental implant fails largely depends on why it failed. Let’s start with how you might know...
Before having any kind of oral surgery, you want to make sure you understand the procedure and have all of your questions answered thoroughly. It’s your health, and you want to make sure you know what your oral surgeon will be doing. We've compiled seven essential...
Implant dentistry is the go-to method for addressing tooth loss. These revolutionary prosthetics make it possible to enjoy a smile that looks and functions like natural teeth. If you have questions about this tooth replacement treatment option, we encourage you to consult with our implant...
Tooth loss is especially dangerous to our bone health. When the jaws are unstimulated by the roots of teeth, bone will deteriorate and atrophy. Preserving bone health is important for protecting remaining biological teeth, oral function, and the structure of our faces. Fortunately, dental implants...
Tooth loss can drastically change your life. Eating habits may require modification; certain word sounds may no longer feel right; and you may no longer feel like smiling. You may also find yourself avoiding others because you are embarrassed about your oral condition. Dental implants...
The loss of one or more teeth for any reason can be devastating. How you chew, speak, and smile can be negatively impacted every day. But there is a solution that is becoming more popular, and that is to restore tooth loss with dental implants....
Tooth loss is difficult to accept at any age. Older adults may believe tooth loss is a natural part of the aging process, but that is not true. We need our teeth to chew properly, speak clearly, and smile without embarrassment. Dental implants offer a...
Some people are born without certain adult teeth. This congenital abnormality, while rare, can impact your oral function and your self-esteem. Fortunately, dental implants make for great replacement teeth. Dental implants and the restorations that are ultimately anchored to them are the closest prosthetics available...