Do I really need to replace a tooth that’s not visible in the smile?

  Missing teeth, no matter where they are located, can impact your ability to chew properly; and over time the bones that held teeth in place will suffer from atrophy leading to shriveled gum tissue that may alter your appearance. Dental implants provide a permanent solution for missing teeth that is as close to your… Continue reading Do I really need to replace a tooth that’s not visible in the smile?

Why is titanium used for dental implants?

Dental implants provide a wonderful solution for missing teeth – the use of titanium actually originates back to a discovery from the 1950’s. A Swedish scientist was experimenting with fusing metals in the leg of a rabbit. When a titanium rod was impossible to retrieve as bone had fused to this metal so thoroughly, further… Continue reading Why is titanium used for dental implants?

Dental Implants: A Great Investment Into Your Health

Missing dentition can occur due to trauma, decay, disease, or teeth that never erupted. There are different avenues that can be taken to restore or replace one or more lost teeth. The solution that is most like your own biological teeth is obtained through dental implants. The dental implant process is not completed over night.… Continue reading Dental Implants: A Great Investment Into Your Health

Why can’t children get dental implants?

Dental implants have greatly improved the way that dental professionals address the many negative effects of tooth loss. These durable and long-lasting prosthetics replace the missing structure of an entire tooth with biocompatible materials. While implants are ideal for many people, they are not suitable for children. The reason dental implants are not suitable for… Continue reading Why can’t children get dental implants?

Will Dental Implants Affect the Natural, Adjacent Teeth?

Dental implants are placed to provide a solid base for the restoration that will eventually cover them. Missing teeth due to trauma, infection, or decay; teeth that never erupted; or teeth that will be surgically removed to make room for enhanced dentition can have a negative effect on neighboring teeth, which can only be helped… Continue reading Will Dental Implants Affect the Natural, Adjacent Teeth?

Is the Dental Implant Prone to Cavities or Gum Disease?

Dental implants make a wonderful substitution for one or more teeth that failed to erupt properly or were lost due to trauma, disease, decay. Your implant dentist will meet with you to determine your best treatment plan for a successful implant procedure. Patients that have previously suffered from gum disease may require additional treatment prior… Continue reading Is the Dental Implant Prone to Cavities or Gum Disease?

Which Teeth Can Be Replaced By Dental Implants?

Dental implants are used to replace any tooth within the upper or lower jaw, and there are no limits to the number of implants a patient can receive, provided there is sufficient, healthy bone and soft tissue to support and maintain the implant. Advances in implant dentistry have made it easier for patients who need… Continue reading Which Teeth Can Be Replaced By Dental Implants?

Will Dental Implants Last a Lifetime?

Dental implants have been around a lot longer than most people think. However, the current treatment with a titanium implant is in its dental infancy having been around only for the last half century. However, if recent history is an indicator, dental implants that successfully become a permanent part of a patient’s dental anatomy stand… Continue reading Will Dental Implants Last a Lifetime?

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