Consequences of a Single Tooth Loss

Consequences of a Single Tooth Loss

Many people feel the loss of a single tooth is no big deal. After all, that is a small space and shouldn’t cause any problems. However, that is generally not the case, and your implant dentist can explain how that single tooth loss can impact your entire mouth.

The space created due to tooth loss can result in the shifting of the remaining teeth. This can lead to a malocclusion, or a misalignment of your teeth which can create chewing difficulties and discomfort. [pullquote]A dental implant is a small device usually made from titanium that is surgically placed in the gum tissue where the tooth is missing.[/pullquote]

Speech patterns can be altered by a missing tooth. We form words using the tongue as it moves against teeth. An empty space can make a difference in how we speak.

Our ability to chew is impacted by a missing tooth. This can lead to a malnourished diet as healthy fruits and vegetables are difficult to consume. Chewy foods like meat and bread might be sacrificed due to tooth loss.

But possibly the most devastating consequence of tooth loss is the lack of self-confidence we develop with a smile we might try to hide, or perhaps you just stop smiling altogether which can affect overall mood and personality.

A first impression can only be made once, and if you’re self-conscious about your appearance due to a lost tooth, this can make a difference in your personal life, work life and family life.

Many patients might wonder what can be done to overcome tooth loss, and there are many options to choose from. But for anyone wishing to return to the most normal lifestyle possible, dental implants should be given considerable thought.

A dental implant is a small device usually made from titanium that is surgically placed in the gum tissue where the tooth is missing. The implant is designed to fuse to existing bone structure during the time it takes for the implant to heal, generally four to six months.

At the conclusion of the healing process, a beautiful restoration is placed over the implant. Since the implant has fused to bone, it is strong like the root of a natural tooth so the final result offers a solution as close to the real thing as possible.

Daily flossing and brushing along with twice annual visits to the San Antonio office of Drs. Bonner and Huriega for a professional cleaning and exam will enable you to enjoy your new tooth for a lifetime of smiles.