Considering Dentures: What are the first steps?

dentures San AntonioHave you suffered with tooth loss? Are you considering dentures? If so, you might be wondering how you should go about getting replacement teeth. Sometimes, people who have lost a significant amount of teeth and the rest of their teeth are in bad shape, choose to wear dentures because it is a convenient and affordable prosthetic that can replace the visible structures of all teeth, including teeth that are diseased or worn down. In other cases, a person may only want to replace the teeth that are missing with partial dentures. Either way, the best approach is to schedule a consultation with a dentist so that a person receives professional advice.

Why a Consultation is Important

A dental professional will be involved in your care no matter what type of tooth replacement you choose. Since people have more options than ever when it comes to prosthetic teeth, it is best to have a sit-down visit with an oral healthcare provider so that you can answer questions. During a consultation, a physical examination will be performed. This is important, too. The health of your teeth and gums will be evaluated along with other structures like the jawbones. For example, you might think that partial dentures are best for you but a full checkup could reveal that what’s left of your biological teeth are unsalvageable. When biological teeth cannot be saved with restorations and their retention threatens a person’s oral health and wellbeing, they need to be removed. In these instances, full dentures are likely the best option.

Research Your Options

With the internet, you can learn a lot about your oral health and the healthcare practitioners in your locale. A quick online search can give you contact information for dental professionals in your area so that you can call and inquire about their services and whether they accept your insurance, if you have any. Doing research ahead of time can help you make the most of your consultation. Considering reading about the types of dentures so that you can make a list of questions for your dentist before your appointment.

If you are interested in replacing lost teeth with dentures, call Aesthetic Dental Partners at 210-616-0858 today!  

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