Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment: Are financing options available?

Several treatments exist for those looking to enhance their smile through cosmetic dentistry. Whether it is to correct a crooked smile, have a brighter smile or to conceal a chipped tooth, a Dr. Huriega has a range of options to choose from.

For patients looking to brighten their smile, tooth whitening treatments are popular, and can be done either at home or in the dental office. Kits are available to buy over-the-counter from most drug stores, but those offered by a cosmetic dentist can often provide better results. And for those in a hurry, Zoom! teeth whitening can deliver dramatic results in a single day! [pullquote]Whether it is to correct a crooked smile, have a brighter smile or to conceal a chipped tooth, a cosmetic dentist has a range of options to choose from.[/pullquote]

Crooked, misaligned smiles can be treated with Invisalign retainers, which a patient wears similar to an athlete’s gum shield. Invisalign works in a similar fashion to metal braces by helping to move and realign teeth into a desired position, but without the need for metal brackets and wires. The patient wears a series of clear braces which are almost invisible and can be removed for eating and cleaning purposes.

Porcelain veneers, which are small, thin tooth coverings, are another treatment option used to alter the shape of the teeth, or to conceal chipped and cracked teeth, or teeth that have been badly discolored and tooth whitening treatments may not have sufficient effect. For treatment with veneers, the cosmetic dentist removes a small amount of tooth enamel before cementing the porcelain veneers into place.  Veneers can be shaded and shaped to provide a natural-looking finish that blends in with the patient’s existing teeth.

Tooth-colored fillings that replace standard silver amalgam fillings and dental implants to replace missing teeth are other treatments available from a cosmetic dentist. Depending on the dental problem to be addressed and the desired result, you can be sure to find a solution to fit.

And, whatever treatment is required, there are several payment options available, from credit and debit cards to affordable no- and low-interest payment plans through third-party financing.  Details of how to apply for financing can be obtained at the dental office, and there are payment options to suit most budgets.

Health savings accounts and flexible spending accounts are other options to consider when it comes to paying for dental care.

Contact our experienced and dedicated dental team in San Antonio to learn more about your treatment options and to discuss a payment plan that fits your budget.

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