Cosmetic Dentistry: Will my smile look natural?

cosmetic dentist San AntonioOne of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is a smile makeover. An appointment with your cosmetic dentist can demonstrate the many options available that will give your appearance a boost.

  • Teeth whitening – An economical and effective means to update your appearance in a brief amount of time is with teeth whitening. Diet, neglect, medications, or aging can allow teeth to become drab, stained, or discolored. Teeth whitening can alter your appearance in a subtle, yet  noticeable way.
  • Porcelain veneers – Chipped enamel, misshapen teeth, deep stain, or unwanted gaps between teeth can spoil your smile. Veneers are very thin shells that are made to match your natural teeth; they will be cemented to the front of teeth that require repair in this minimally invasive procedure.
  • Lumineers – Standard porcelain veneers require a small amount of dental enamel to be removed before cementing in place. Lumineers are different in that this veneers treatment is reversible as dental enamel is untouched before Lumineer application.
  • Tooth colored restorations – Many patients are opting for tooth colored composite resin to repair or restore teeth that are decayed; or are having old silver fillings replaced with tooth colored restorations.
  • Invisalign – Crooked teeth can mar your smile, but teens and adults shy away from teeth straightening due to the stigma associated with metal bands and brackets. With Invisalign clear aligners, patients can have teeth straightened with clear, comfortable, convenient, and removable braces.
  • Dental implants – Missing teeth can be embarrassing, but most of all can impact your speech and limit your food choices. A dental implant is a titanium post that is surgically embedded in gum tissue where tooth loss has occurred. Throughout the healing process, bone is merging with the implant to form a strong support that will function much like the roots of your natural tooth. The final restoration will be fabricated to match neighboring teeth, and your implanted tooth will allow you to eat all the foods you love while restoring your dentition to as close to biological as possible.

Your cosmetic dentist can provide one or several of these treatments that will allow you to enjoy a fully functioning, and in many cases permanent solution for a multitude of dental maladies. A consultation can get you started on the path to a beautiful smile that will look and feel natural for many years to come, so call our office today!

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