Dental Bridge vs. Dental Implant: A Comparison

Dental bridges and dental implants are two popular methods for restoring a smile affected by tooth loss. These prosthetic teeth fill in the gaps of a smile and increase one’s ability to eat comfortably and speak confidently. While dental bridges and implants achieve similar objectives, they are different in their construction. Following is some helpful information for understanding how these prosthetics work.

Dental Implants

Implants are titanium cylinders that are anchored to the jawbone to hold and support a prosthetic crown. This tooth replacement method is great for replacing a single missing tooth among patients who have adequate bone density.

Both the implant and the subsequent prosthetic attached to it replace the entire structure of a missing tooth, including its roots. While dental implants are incredibly durable, lifelike, and low maintenance, they are not right for all patients. After a consultation, our dentists will be able to determine if this tooth replacement method is ideal for your needs.

Dental Bridges

Unlike dental implants, which are anchored to the jawbone, dental bridges are anchored to existing teeth. As their name suggests, a bridge fills in the gap of a missing tooth by using a series of custom dental crowns connected to teeth adjacent to the empty tooth socket. Sometimes, dental bridges are used to replace more than one missing tooth in a row.

Custom crowns are permanent prosthetics made to very precise specifications. These tooth-shaped replacement teeth will fill in the gaps of an incomplete smile and provide a steady surface for biting and chewing.

The crowns used for dental implants and bridges can appear very natural looking when lifelike materials are chosen. Porcelain and porcelain fused to metal are quite popular for maintaining the aesthetics of a smile. Replacing lost teeth is important. Those who have lost a tooth are at risk for further tooth loss. This is because unsupported teeth can collapse into empty tooth sockets.

To schedule a tooth loss consultation with one of our dentists, contact our office at Aesthetic Dental Partners today!

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