Dental Bridges Can Fill in for a Missing Tooth

Dental Bridges Can Fill in for a Missing Tooth

One of the most common ways to replace a missing tooth or teeth is with a dental bridge. Also known as partial dentures, dental bridges can fill the gaps created when teeth are removed or damaged. If you are looking for information regarding dental bridges in San Antonio, here are some facts to consider.


How Bridges Work

Because dental bridges only replace a few teeth, they need to be anchored to the remaining teeth on either side in order to remain in place. The bridge can be anchored in different ways. A common technique is to treat the adjacent teeth to receive crowns. The replacement tooth is then manufactured so that it is attached to the crowns that will be placed over the adjacent teeth. This method can look very natural when completed. The major disadvantage is that the adjacent teeth must be altered to receive the crowns. [pullquote]Dental bridges can fill the gaps created when teeth are removed or damaged.[/pullquote]

Bridges can also be anchored to adjacent teeth with wires. This type of attachment requires much less restructuring of the adjacent teeth, but is also more visible. The type of attachment that works best will depend upon your individual situation, and is best determined in a detailed consultation with our dentists.


Advantages of Dental Bridges

A fixed partial denture can look very natural, giving you back your smile. Crowns and bridges made of porcelain are color-matched to your other teeth, and are custom made to match the overall shape and size of your original teeth. Fixed bridges do not have to be removed for cleaning, and care of your bridges is very much like care for your natural teeth.

Dental bridges also tend to be less expensive than dental implants, another common treatment for missing teeth. Implants are placed directly into the jawbone, and require surgery as well as a series of healing intervals. Depending upon your individual situation, dental bridges might provide an easier, more practical alternative.

To find out more about dental bridges, your options for replacing missing teeth, and other issues concerning your dental health, please contact our office to schedule a consultation.