Dentures Restore Your Smile

Dentures Restore Your Smile

san antonio dentures

When you suffer from the loss of most of your natural teeth, or all of them, you need help right away. To restore your ability to eat your favorite foods and smile without hesitation, you need a set of dentures. At your San Antonio, TX, dentist’s office, we can help safeguard your oral health and bite function with custom dentures.

What Total Tooth Loss Means for Your Smile

Losing most of your teeth, or all of them, could mean significant difficulties in your daily life. Your meal options become severely limited, and you can have trouble with clear speech. Without roots to stimulate the growth of jawbone structure, the body stops sending calcium and phosphates to the smile around these lost roots. The result is a prematurely aged appearance. But with dentures, we can help correct these concerns and restore function and beauty to your smile once again!

Designing and Creating Your New Smile

To begin, we will take a close look at your smile with digital technology, so we can design and fabricate your custom dentures. We want to remove the last few teeth and analyze the jawbone so we can choose the best angles and positions to insert dental implants. While removable options are effective, only implant options have the ability to stimulate the growth of jawbone structure to preserve the fascial structure, and to last decades to come. These posts are inserted into the smile at specific angles and positions to support a full set. We then connect abutments and attach the completed denture. No need for removal for cleaning or soaking, and no worries about slippage when you eat or speak.


If you have weakened jawbone structure, we could still secure a set of dentures. All-On-Four requires only four specially placed posts per arch, and requires less structure to support a set of replacement teeth. Even better, the entire process could be finished in one visit, so you leave with a full smile and return later for your final prosthetic, never going without a complete set of teeth.

If you want to know which of these options is best for addressing your tooth loss, then give our team a call to schedule a consultation. We will examine your smile and choose the best option to support a complete smile with durable and long-lasting dental implants. If you have any other questions, feel free to reach out!

Speak With Your San Antonio, TX, Cosmetic Dentist About Our Custom Tooth Replacement

You don’t have to live with edentulism, we can help with a complete prosthetic. If you would like to learn more about addressing your advanced tooth loss with a secure and lifelike set of implant options, please call Aesthetic Dental Partners in San Antonio, TX today at (210) 446-3446.