Electronic Toothbrush: A Great Weapon Against Plaque Formation

Electronic Toothbrush: A Great Weapon Against Plaque Formation

Plaque is a sticky build-up of bacteria and bacterial secretions that accumulate on the teeth over time. While new plaque can be removed with brushing, plaque that is missed will harden to form tartar, which can contribute to gum disease. The bacteria in plaque will also grow and can cause cavities as it eats through the enamel of the teeth. Electronic toothbrushes can help fight plaque more effectively than regular toothbrushes.

Electronic toothbrushes have been on the market for many years, and they have come along way since their inception. Today’s modern electronic toothbrushes are an effective tool against gingivitis, cavities and plaque, which may lead to less poking and prodding at your next visit with your family dentist.

While manual toothbrushes only have as many strokes per minute as your arm can handle, electronic toothbrush bristles rotate from 3,000 to 5,000 times per minute. The bristles move in similar ways to your hand (either back and forth or in a circular motion) to remove plaque and bacteria. Regular brushing with a traditional toothbrush yields about 300 strokes per minute.

The rapid motion of the bristles removes plaque more thoroughly and in less time when compared to manual toothbrushes, if used properly. That means you must brush twice a day and for at least two minutes per session to see the results of less plaque formation over time. In addition to removing plaque more efficiently, electronic toothbrushes also remove it more effectively from hard to reach places such as molars.

Studies have shown that electronic toothbrushes with an oscillation-rotation movement removed more plaque than manual brushing. When combined with routine flossing, using an electronic toothbrush can be an excellent step toward improving your overall oral health. With less plaque on your teeth, you will develop less cavities and be at a lower risk for gum disease.

For more information and tips on how to care for your smile, contact our San Antonio dentist today at 210-616-0858 to schedule an appointment.