What Can I Expect to Happen to My Teeth and Gums as I Age?

Brushing twice per day with a fluoridated tooth paste or gel, flossing daily, visiting the dentist every six months … if a person is committed to following this regimen closely, their teeth will likely be healthy as they age.

Sadly, many people get off track. As children, parents are held accountable for making sure excellent hygiene habits are learned and followed; teenage years often dictate many other priorities; college age and the twenty/thirty something’s may start to realize that dental decay and other oral health issues are making an appearance and concern may get them to again adhere to the regimen learned as children.  [pullquote]…it’s never too late to adopt the proper dental habits to continue as we age.[/pullquote]

Unfortunately, some of the damage may have already been done. Dental decay is generally more prevalent in adolescents and teens. But it’s never too late to adopt the proper dental habits to continue as we age.

Sometimes genetics can play a role in dental make-up. Parents or siblings suffering with gum disease or a malocclusion due to lack of jaw space can be an indicator of what may become problematic.

Diet and lifestyle can impact oral health. Smoking and tobacco use are possibly the biggest controllable actions that can be very detrimental to dental health … gum disease and tooth loss become prevalent with tobacco users.

Eating and drinking sugary products promote tooth decay, so a healthy diet rich with fruits and vegetables will be more beneficial for long term dental health.

Failure to adhere to healthy diet and lifestyle habits along with the correct dental regimen and consistent visits to the dentist can result in any number of dental problems. Lack of professional care can lead to plaque build-up. Dental decay and gum disease can progress into broken teeth, abscess, and lost teeth or costly and time consuming dental care like crowns, partials, or dentures.

Tooth loss can be devastating at any age, but as an aging adult the cost, discomfort, or inconvenience often leads to ignoring the problem. But when speech patterns, the ability to eat properly, or self-confidence erodes due to dental problems, it is never too late for your dentist to outline a program to help restore good dental health.

Keeping all your natural teeth throughout your lifetime is a very worthwhile goal and taking good care of your teeth throughout your life will be rewarded as you age.

Contact the office of Drs. Bonner and Huriega for more information about keeping your teeth and gums healthy as you age.

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