Gingivitis and Your Overall Health

Gingivitis and Your Overall Health

dentist DatapointGingivitis often gets started due to neglect. Primary causes include: ineffective or absent daily brushing and flossing, missed visits with the dentist, and a diet too full of sugary snacks and beverages. Not only does this lifestyle lead to dental problems, your overall health suffers as well.

The onset of gingivitis offers many symptoms in the early stages. If ignored, it can advance to periodontitis. The clues are very apparent at this stage, and continued neglect can lead to tooth loss.

The symptoms of gingivitis include bleeding gum tissue, swollen, red gums, and chronic bad breath. Individually, these symptoms are not definitive. Gums may bleed if provoked by using a hard bristle tooth brush or scrubbing too hard. The right tooth brush and even pressure will help.

Gum tissue should be pink and firm. Puffy, red gums should send a signal that it is time to see the dentist.

Bad breath occurs if eating or drinking overpowering foods and beverages, but a steady sour odor may signal an infection.

Receding gums and loose teeth are a serious matter. Bones that hold teeth in place are being impacted by disease. If not treated immediately, tooth loss is imminent.

Lost teeth affects many aspects of daily life, such as what and how you eat and the way you speak. Your smile and even your facial features suffer if teeth are lost and gum disease is not resolved.

With bone loss, gum tissue starts to shrivel. This can cause facial changes. Self-confidence erodes as missing teeth changes how you smile.

Dietary issues occur with the inability to chew. Many of the healthy foods we need to sustain and protect our body are off the menu.

We form words using our teeth and tongue. Without teeth, a speech impediment or lisp may develop.

The importance of healthy teeth and gums often takes a back seat to busy, hectic schedules. But the teeth we assume will always be there to serve us do require daily attention.

Brushing twice daily with a fluoridated tooth paste or gel; flossing daily to remove the debris your tooth brush did not reach; and keeping your twice yearly appointments with our dentist are going to help you maintain great oral health and contribute to better overall health as well.   

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