Halitosis: Causes and Treatment

dentist WurzbachHalitosis, or bad breath, can be traced back to multiple causes. Aromatic foods like garlic and onions; strong beverages like coffee; tobacco use … all of these can cause bad breath. But when brushing, flossing, or rinsing with mouthwash do not seem to be working, a visit to the dentist may be needed to get to the core of the problem.

There are numerous reasons one might suffer from halitosis, but a primary cause can be attributed to gum disease. This condition occurs in stages starting with gingivitis. This is an inflammation of the gum tissue. Failure to respond at this stage can result in the more serious periodontitis developing. Symptoms of gingivitis might include:

Bleeding, swollen gums – Healthy gum tissue is firm and pink. If gums bleed without provocation (like brushing firmly or with a hard bristle tooth brush) this is abnormal. Red, swollen gums are an indication of a problem so a visit to the dentist is advised.

Gums separating from teeth – If one or more teeth feel loose, this indicates bone loss might have already occurred. Professional attention is needed.

Toothache – Serious discomfort associated with a toothache can be anything from gum disease to decay. This is not something you can treat on your own so if pain is intense or lasts more than a day or two, see your dentist.

If bad breath stems from poor oral care, the solution is easy. Brush twice daily with a fluoridated toothpaste, floss every day to remove food debris your tooth brush did not reach and visit your dentist every six months for a thorough cleaning and dental exam.

Other issues that can result in halitosis include sinus or tonsil infections – some type of medical intervention is required if infections are chronic, serious, or long lasting.

What can be done for halitosis?

If you eat and drink the consumables that cause bad breath or use tobacco products, suck on a breath mint or chew sugar free gum as a short term solution.

Put in an effort to keep teeth clean and healthy. Preventing plaque build-up by the use of a consistent daily oral hygiene regimen of brushing and flossing coupled with visits to the dentist every six months will help keep teeth and gums healthy.

While bad breath may happen occasionally, steadfast oral care will help to keep halitosis at bay. Contact our team today at Aesthetic Dental Partners!

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