Headaches: Is Malocclusion the Cause?

Headaches: Is Malocclusion the Cause?

braces San AntonioA dental malocclusion occurs when the upper teeth do not align properly with the bottom teeth. This can be the result of a cross bite, under bite, or overbite. The logical solution to correct a malocclusion is with some type of dental braces.

Patients of all ages can achieve a correction for their dental problems … and many times while fixing their bite, there are other benefits added including the beauty of a new smile.

With a malocclusion, many patients experience teeth grinding and jaw clenching. This can become a habit that often starts during periods of sleep. This is done subconsciously, and often becomes so ingrained that is carries over to daytime as well. There are many problems that start with teeth grinding including headaches as well as pain in the ears, jaws, or neck.

Invisalign clear braces provide a solution for adolescents, teens and adults. A malocclusion can be corrected to improve overall health and oral conditions while invisibly shifting teeth to their proper location.

One way to determine a solution for a headache resulting from teeth grinding and clenching is with a consultation with your dentist. If a malocclusion is diagnosed, your dentist can provide a solution that will correct problems with your bite.

Invisalign clear braces have many advantages to enjoy while achieving this important change in your oral health:

  1. Invisalign aligners are made from a clear plastic that gently shift teeth to correct the bite. And since they are clear, fixing your malocclusion is virtually undetectable.
  2. The aligners are removable … they are taken out to eat snacks and meals, and replaced when done. This means you can continue to eat all the foods you love without exception.
  3. Since the aligners can be taken out, the daily oral hygiene regimen is much easier to complete. Flossing and brushing can be done without any obstacles (also no excuses!)
  4. With the absence of metal and/or wires, there are no abrasions to the soft tissues in the mouth.
  5. The aligners must be worn twenty to twenty-two hours every day to complete treatment on schedule.

At the conclusion of treatment, your bite is corrected; one of the potential causes of your headaches has been alleviated and you can enjoy all the benefits of your new smile including a boost in self-confidence.

Contact the dental office of Drs. Bonner & Huriega today for more information about treating malocclusions.