How A Dental Bridge Can Help Restore Your Smile

dental bridges San AntonioDental bridges resolve the issue of lost teeth. Whether you are suffering with the loss of one or several teeth, our dentist has a solution that will fit your budget, timeline, and lifestyle needs.

There are many reasons patients incur tooth loss: trauma from an accident, advancing dental decay, gum disease, or to replace teeth that did not erupt properly. A dental bridge provides an answer to each of these.

A dental bridge comes in a variety of styles, and a frank discussion with the dentist will outline what you are looking for.

There are fixed units where teeth are permanently cemented in place; or removable bridges where teeth are affixed to adjacent biological teeth with some type of clasp.

The results are identical. Self-confidence is restored when missing teeth are no longer marring your smile; the ability to once again eat the foods you loved but were unable to eat due to the inability to chew properly is back; and issues with speaking are resolved. More importantly, by replacing missing teeth, remaining natural teeth are no longer able to shift creating even more problems.

Once you and Dr. Huriega have determined the type of bridge that will best suit your needs, several appointments are needed. Dental impressions, x-rays, and the needed teeth preparation are completed and submitted to the dental lab for fabrication of your bridge.

A temporary bridge is placed to protect the prepped area for the couple of weeks needed to make your bridge. When ready, we will test your bridge for fit and appearance. Some adjustments may be needed over the following weeks. It is important that you do not attempt to make little changes on your own. Your dentist anticipates the possibility of tweaks … you are not “bothering” us by requesting small adjustments.

It may take a few days to get used to your new smile. Eating and speaking should normalize within a short time. To get used to eating, small bites and focused chewing are recommended. If certain words seem difficult, practicing in front of a mirror will help conquer issues quickly.

Caring for your bridge depends on the type you have … our dentist will recommend how to care for a removable unit while a fixed bridge is maintained much like all your natural teeth with daily brushing and flossing.

Contact our office today to get more information about whether a dental bridge is right for you.

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