How are crowns, veneers and bonding used in cosmetic dentistry?

veneers San AntonioCosmetic dentistry focuses on the aesthetics of one’s smile. Applying restorations and enhancements to teeth can conceal all types of dental imperfections and in some cases, protect teeth from damage. When it comes to improving the appearance of a smile, a cosmetic dentist may use crowns, veneers, or bonding treatment to hide flaws like chips, cracks, stains, and jagged edges. When our cosmetic dentist bonds a series of crowns and veneers or applies bonding treatments, it can also create a uniform smile that looks vibrant and healthy without appearing unnatural.

Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are custom restorations that cover an entire tooth. They strengthen a damaged tooth and can improve its appearance by covering flaws like internal stains, cracks, and chips. When used for cosmetic purposes, a crown will be made from tooth-colored porcelain. Technicians make crowns based on very precise specifications determined by our team. This is important for making sure that crowns look and feel natural.

Porcelain Veneers

Veneers are super thin, tooth-shaped cosmetic enhancements that are placed over the front of teeth. Porcelain is chosen because it is lends a very beautiful yet natural appearance. A veneer can hide dental flaws like chips, jagged edges, misaligned teeth, and stains. Ideally, multiple veneers are applied over the most visible teeth to produce a smile that is perfectly proportionate and straight. This is how porcelain veneers are able to provide a total smile makeover.

Cosmetic Bonding Treatments

Cosmetic bonding treatments involve using the same material (composite resin) as tooth-colored fillings. Composite resin is a compound of biocompatible plastic and glass. It can be tinted to match the desired shade of white and applied on any surface of a tooth. In addition to providing a protective surface over teeth, bonding also conceals flaws and imperfections like stains and chips. Unlike crowns and veneers, bonding materials do not require off-site fabrication in dental labs. Instead, composite resin is applied to teeth as a liquid and then hardened with a light.

If you are interested in improving the appearance of your smile, call us today at Aesthetic Dental Partners to reserve a consultation.

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