How Can a Cosmetic Dentist Improve a Gummy Smile?

Some people aren’t unhappy with their teeth when they smile, especially if they believe their gums are too prominent. Dentists refer to this as a gummy smile, and here’s how a cosmetic dentist can help. 

The First Step is the Diagnosis

A gummy smile is one in which an individual is uncomfortable with the ratio of gums to teeth when they smile. It’s a subjective assessment, but it means you have more gums visible than teeth when you smile. 

The first step in correcting a gummy smile is the diagnosis. Your cosmetic dentist will take X-rays, measure your gum-to-tooth ratios, examine your lips’ movement, and check the size and ratio of your jawline. 

Once your dentist understands what contributes to your gummy smile, they can then recommend the correct procedure that is right for you. 

How to Treat a Gummy Smile

There are several different treatment options for a gummy smile, depending on what your dentist thinks is the reason for the disproportionate ratio. Here are some of the options available. 

Gum Lifts

This treatment is also called a gingivectomy. It has traditionally been used to treat gum disease, but it has become more common for improving the ratio of gum to teeth. It decreases the appearance of the gums and, in combination with veneers and crown extensions, lengthens the teeth. 


You’ve probably heard about Botox being used for wrinkles, but it can also help with a gummy smile. When Botox is injected into your lower lip, it causes the tension there to relax. As a result, the visible gum area will decrease. What’s more, it’s the fastest and least invasive method to correct a gummy smile. Unfortunately, it’s not a permanent solution; it requires a repeat injection every two or three months. 

Laser Contouring

A cosmetic dentist can also use laser contouring to correct a gummy smile. They choose this option when you don’t require as much correction as you would for a gum lift. Instead, they use laser precision to simply reshape the gums. This is used most often when your gums extend down over your tooth surface. 


Another option is lip augmentation surgery. Your dentist can remove a strip of tissue and stitch it into a lower position. The result is that your lip covers more of the gum line. 

Another type of surgery is one that contours and repositions your jaw so your gums show less when you smile. This is the most invasive solution, but the results are permanent. 

Let Us Help You!

If you are unhappy with your smile, the Aesthetic Dental Partners professionals can help. Give our office a call today, and we’ll work with you to make your smile bright! 

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