How Can I Prevent Gum Disease?

How Can I Prevent Gum Disease?

 family dentist San AntonioGum disease usually starts due to inadequate oral hygiene care. Your family dentist should be seen at the first sign of gum disease to prevent the early stage of gum disease, referred to as gingivitis, from escalating.

There are usually many indicators that gum disease is present:

•    Bleeding gum tissue either with or without brushing.
•    Red or swollen gum tissue
•    Discomfort
•    Receding gum tissue
•    Loose teeth
•    Chronic bad breath

If gums bleed only when brushing, you could be using too firm a toothbrush or applying too much pressure while brushing. A soft bristle brush is highly recommended. Using an electric tooth brush is even better. Not only is the pressure more regulated, most electronic toothbrushes contain a built-in timer that encourages you to brush the recommended two minutes each time you brush.

In addition to brushing at least twice per day, daily flossing will help patients control plaque build-up. Plaque is the sticky substance that forms on teeth, particularly around the gum line, that is due to bacteria being allowed to stay on teeth. It doesn’t take long for plaque to harden on teeth, and the only way to remove this plaque build-up is through a professional cleaning from your family dentist.

Using a tooth paste or gel that contains fluoride along with rinsing with a fluoridated rinse can go a long way toward caring for your teeth. For some patients, gum disease runs throughout family history. But family members can break the cycle by following stringent and disciplined oral hygiene habits of daily brushing and flossing.

Being proactive about your overall good health will also aid in your dental health. A healthy diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables, getting sufficient rest, drinking plenty of water and de-stressing are all good ways to maintain good health. Tobacco products are considered to be a primary cause of gum disease, so discontinuing smoking is very beneficial to your dental health.

Even the most fastidious oral hygiene care is not sufficient on its own to guarantee healthy teeth and gums. It is important to see your dental provider twice per year for a professional cleaning and exam in addition to daily brushing and flossing to prevent the threat of gum disease.

Following this regimen should keep you free from gum disease and the problems associated with it.

If you would like to know more ways to prevent gum disease, contact the office of Dr. James Bonner and Dr. John Huriega, located in San Antonio, to schedule an appointment today.