How Cosmetic Dentistry Beautifies Smiles

The confidence you have in your smile can be affected by many factors. Oral health certainly contributes to positive feelings, but there are also matters that are rooted in appearances that are important. For example, a person whose smile lacks any issues with decay or damage can feel self-conscious because their enamel is dull and discolored. Another person may be bothered by teeth that are out of alignment, or because of a certain tooth that is undersized or misshapen. Your San Antonio, TX dentist’s office can help in these matters. We provide personalized solutions for cosmetic flaws. We address matters that are purely appearance-focused as well as those oral health issues that hurt how people look.

Does Your Smile Make You Confident In Your Appearance?

When you think of the reasons to feel good about your appearance, do you include your smile? Unfortunately, only one seemingly small flaw is enough to rob many of confidence in how they look. What you can find is that these issues can be addressed effectively, and they can be cared for with surprisingly conservative services! We can provide an evaluation to determine what approach to take to help you feel truly happy with how you look. By focusing on targeted improvements with minimal alterations to your tooth structure, we can make striking changes possible while keeping committed to your comfort.

Taking Care Of Frustrating Dental Flaws With Conservative Care

Conservative cosmetic dental services produce positive results while minimizing just how much work your teeth require. For example, we use porcelain veneers and Lumineers to improve color, condition, and smile symmetry. These restorations only cover the front surfaces of your teeth, minimizing the need to modify enamel. We also provide services like teeth whitening to directly target stains with improvements over the counter care struggles to achieve.

When Oral Health Issues Create Embarrassment About Your Appearance

Malocclusion, dental damage, and enamel erosion are all potential cosmetic issues. They are also threats to your oral health. These issues are treatable. In fact, you can find that our practice is prepared to take them on for you and produce fantastic results! Clear braces discreetly move teeth that are not in the right positions. For teeth that are worn down, eroded, or damaged, we can look at the impact of veneers, but we can also use dental crowns to provide cosmetic and functional benefits.

Talk To Your San Antonio, TX Dentist About Cosmetic Dentistry And How It Can Benefit You!

With the right approach to smile care, our practice can help you feel thrilled with your appearance! If you would like to learn more about the services we provide, please call Aesthetic Dental Partners in San Antonio, TX today at (210) 446-3446.

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