How do I care for my dental bridge?

A dental bridge is designed to make a connection between teeth where tooth loss has occurred. A properly fitted dental bridge provides years of functionality, aesthetics, and with the proper care many years of enjoyment.

If tooth loss occurred due to trauma, your dentist will recommend delaying bridge preparation until swelling has subsided and the area has healed.

If gum disease or dental decay resulted in tooth loss, your dentist may proceed right away. It is important to understand that the same lack of care that resulted in this kind of tooth loss can lead to bridge failure. A regimen of daily oral health care comprised of brushing and flossing are needed to help keep remaining biological teeth healthy.

A standard dental bridge replacing one missing tooth is made by crowing the teeth on both sides of the missing tooth. These are called abutment teeth. The tooth in between is called a pontic. The crowns will be cemented in place providing a three unit bridge that, with proper care, can last fifteen years or longer. This is a fixed bridge.

A removable bridge is usually more economical to obtain. While its goal is to replace that same lost tooth, it requires a much different kind of care. Since it is taken out at night, it requires being stored and cleaned properly.

Over time gum shrinkage due to bone loss may occur. This might result in your bridge fitting and feeling differently. Your dentist can make needed adjustments … never attempt to “fix” your dental prosthesis. What may seem like a small tweak to you can weaken or destroy brackets requiring a new bridge be made.

Caring for a fixed bridge is the same as your natural teeth. Brush and floss daily and see your dentist every six months for cleaning and exam.

A removable bridge should be kept moist overnight … there are dental soaks that help to keep your bridge clean and odor free when worn. Never boil or microwave a bridge to remove stain or bacteria; this could warp the bridge.

When you first get your bridge, adjustments to how you eat and speak may feel overwhelming. Remember wearing your bridge will become more natural over time – follow the instructions given by your dentist and you should enjoy many years of fit and function with your bridge.

If you are considering dental bridges, call our team at Aesthetic Dental Partners today!

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