How to Prepare for a Dental Emergency

How to Prepare for a Dental Emergency

Dental emergencies can happen at any time, and to anyone. Causes of dental emergencies can range from falls to automobile accidents to sports injuries. In all cases, the better prepared you are, the less likely you are to lose a tooth to a dental injury.

Who is Most Susceptible to Dental Emergencies?

Although anyone could find him/herself facing a knocked-out, broken or dislodged tooth, young children and athletes, particularly those participating in contact sports, are most likely to suffer dental injuries.

Small children are more likely to suffer dental injuries due to their lack of coordination and balance. A child just learning to walk is much more likely to fall on their face than an older child with better balance. This kind of fall can break or dislodge a tooth, making it important to be prepared so that the tooth can be saved.

What to Do In Case of a Dental Emergency

The most important thing to know in case of a dental emergency is how to get to the closest dental office. In many cases, teeth can be placed back into their original position and will heal thoroughly if prompt action is taken.

Some things to have on hand in case of a dental emergency include:

  • A small cup
  • Milk or warm water
  • Mouthwash
  • Gauze
  • Toothpaste or dental adhesive

If a tooth falls out, it should be placed in a small cup with milk or warm water. Mouthwash can help cleanse the area, and gauze can be used to staunch any bleeding. If a crown or a filling falls out, toothpaste or dental adhesive can be used to hold the crown or filling in place until you can consult with a dentist.

As with any medical emergency, it is important to remain calm if you or your child experience a dental injury. Administer first aid and then contact our San Antonio dentistry practice as soon as possible.