Increase Your Quality of Life with Dental Implants

Eating the foods you love, smiling with self-confidence, speaking without hesitation; these are things many do daily without thought. But if you have loose teeth, missing teeth, or your mouth hurts these are activities that you don’t take for granted. Thankfully, dental implants can take you from daily concerns with your mouth to the carefree lifestyle you wish you had.

Missing teeth don’t just create aesthetic issues as remaining teeth can shift toward an open space, and while this might not seem problematic, the resulting malocclusion can be. When the upper teeth do not align properly with the bottom teeth, numerous problems associated with an improper bite can occur.

That is why many patients seek a consultation with their implant dentist to discuss how they can improve their ability to eat, speak and smile with a permanent solution. A dental implant is placed surgically in the gum tissue where tooth loss has occurred. If more than one tooth has been lost, multiple implants or an implant-supported bridge may be recommended.

The implant itself is made from titanium, which has been proven to possess the unique ability to fuse to bone tissue. Bone regeneration around the implant will take place during the healing period of four to six months. What this means to the patient is a permanent, strong and comfortable solution that is not attainable with any other type of tooth replacement.

When the healing process is completed, the final restoration will be permanently cemented in place. The crown or bridge will be made to match the appearance of the surrounding natural teeth.

The end result means you can eat the foods you love. Soft food diets or chewing with just a few teeth is a distant memory.

With dental implants, you won’t naturally shy away from speaking or run when someone pulls out their camera. Having missing teeth replaced will restore your self-confidence while enhancing the ability to eat and speak.

Caring for one or more dental implants does not require anything special. Daily flossing and brushing, in addition to making and keeping twice yearly visits to the dentist should keep your implants and teeth healthy. Additionally, abstaining from tobacco use is critical to the success of the implant process, and will reward you in helping to achieve excellent oral health along with enhancing your quality of life.

If dental implants could greatly improve your smile and quality of life, contact the office of Drs. Bonner and Huriega at 210-616-0858 today.

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