Invisible Braces with Clear Results

Invisible Braces with Clear Results

Invisalign San AntonioHave you longed for a straighter smile but don’t want to wear conspicuous orthodontia? It is possible to straighten your teeth without metal and wire braces. With Invisalign, you can reap the benefits of a straighter smile with comfortable and discreet treatment. Invisalign can close gaps, align crooked teeth, and even improve your bite.

Invisalign: What it is and How it Works

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment option that does not use fixed orthodontia like brackets and archwire. Instead, patients wear clear, retainer-like appliances. Made from smooth and translucent plastic, Invisalign is perfect for adults and working professionals. It is nearly undetectable to others around you so you can enjoy your professional and social life to the fullest.

Treatment consists of wearing clear appliances called “aligners” throughout the day and while you sleep. Your aligners are custom made to accommodate your oral anatomy and the positioning of your teeth. Approximately every two weeks, you will wear a new set of aligners. Each successive set is tighter than the one before. The snug fit of your aligners will apply gentle force to your teeth so that they move to healthier and straighter positions.

Once treatment is complete, you will wear a retainer as directed to maintain your results.

Benefits of Invisalign

The most obvious benefit of Invisalign is discreet treatment. Unlike conventional braces, Invisalign is nearly invisible. Invisalign offers other unique advantages, too.

Since aligners are constructed from smooth plastic, there are no harsh edges that might irritate the linings of your cheeks and lips. The smooth construction of Invisalign eliminates the need for dental wax. Invisalign is also removable. This makes keeping your teeth clean and eating a balanced diet a breeze. In many cases, Invisalign straightens teeth faster than traditional fixed orthodontia, too.

If you find Invisalign appealing, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our experienced dentist. At your appointment, we can answer any questions you have and perform a thorough examination to determine if this treatment method meets your needs. Give our team at Aesthetic Dental Partners a call today to book your appointment.