Is a dental cleaning really necessary?

Is a dental cleaning really necessary?

Routine dental cleaning is important for several reasonsYou might be thinking to yourself, take good care of my oral health, I brush regularly, and I floss…so do I really need to get a routine dental cleaning as well?” 

Well, to paraphrase an old saying, you only need to get regular cleanings for the teeth you want to keep.

While good at-home care is essential for your oral health, it doesn’t take the place of regular dental cleanings. The American Dental Association recommends that you get your teeth cleaned at least once a year, and most dentists recommend getting it done every six months. If you have problems, however, more frequent visits may be necessary. Let’s look at why you need to get a dental cleaning routinely.

A professional dental cleaning removes things you can’t reach.

Brushing and flossing are necessary elements of a total oral health care regimen, but no matter how well you do those things, you can’t get everywhere that plaque can. That’s why you need your dentist to thoroughly clean your teeth and gumline to prevent problems in the future.

Moreover, while you may be able to remove plaque with your cleaning regimen, only your dentist can remove tartar. Tartar is the hardened form of plaque, and without regular dental cleanings, it can really build up over time.

Your dentist can spot developing problems.

Another reason a routine dental cleaning is important is that it gives your dentist a chance to check your teeth for any developing problems. These are things that may not be causing you any pain and that you can’t see, but they will eventually become problems if you don’t take care of them.

Your dentist can take X-rays during a routine cleaning and spot any problems that are just getting started. It’s much easier to prevent something from becoming more serious than it is to treat it after it does.

Typically, your dentist and dental hygienist will look for problems like faulty fillings, signs of gum disease, and any other issues that may be just starting.

Your dentist will polish your teeth as part of a dental cleaning.

Another great reason for a routine dental cleaning is that your dentist will be able to polish your teeth. This is not something you want to do at home.

Your dentist will use an abrasive, grainy product for polishing your teeth. It’s safe to do so once or twice a year, but you don’t want to do it any more than that. Polishing your teeth removes any tartar or plaque that the dental scaler might have missed, so your teeth will truly be really clean!

Final Thoughts

Ideally, you want your teeth to last an entire lifetime, but they do some heavy work. If they’re going to last, you have to take care of them. That means getting a routine dental cleaning ideally every six months. Feel free to contact the office of Aesthetic Dental Partners in San Antonio, and we’ll be happy to schedule a dental cleaning for you!

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