It’s Not Scary Anymore: 4 Dental Technologies That Make Your Dental Visit More Comfortable

It’s Not Scary Anymore: 4 Dental Technologies That Make Your Dental Visit More Comfortable

Many people get anxious just at the thought of going to the dentist, but there are some dental technologies that can help alleviate anxiety. Research shows that as much as 15% of people get so anxious that they don’t get the dental care they need.

That’s why it’s vital for dentists to use these 4 dental technologies to help put their patients at ease in the dentist’s chair.

Calming Sounds

One of the best dental technologies for helping patients stay calm is a simple one—soothing background music. Dentists can use a sound system to play soft music in both the waiting room and the exam room to help lower a patient’s blood pressure, decrease their heart rate, and reduce stress.

Dentists can also play white noise and the sound of flowing water to help reduce anxiety. Fountains and aquariums can generate this sound and provide a soothing visual distraction as well.

Comfortable, AdjustableChairs

This is one of the most important features in a dentist’s office. If the seats in the waiting room and the exam room are uncomfortable, patients will feel more anxious. Dentists should provide padded seats with movable armrests, and they need a dental chair that supports the patient’s knees, hips, and back.

Because patients are often required to hold a particular position for a long period of time, they need to feel supported. A comfortable exam room chair can go a long way toward reducing anxiety.

Protective Glasses

Dentists are always peering into their patients’ mouths with bright lights. It’s not uncommon for those lights to actually make the patient’s eyes water. Dentists can easily resolve their patients’ discomfort by providing tinted glasses for them to wear during the exam.

These glasses can block the glare from the bright lights. They also can protect the patient’s eyes from fluids and other substances that might get into them.


For patients who have intense dental anxiety, one of the best dental technologies to alleviate their stress is sedation. Your dentist can provide sedation using oral, intravenous (IV), or injectable sedatives.

Your dentist can use these methods of sedation for any procedure, from a simple routine cleaning to a root canal. If your anxiety is severe, your dentist can even use sedation to ensure that you remain peacefully asleep during the procedure.

Final Thoughts

Dentistry doesn’t have to be scary anymore. With these 4 dental technologies, you might feel so comfortable that you actually enjoy going to the dentist.

If you’re feeling anxious about an upcoming dental appointment, give our office a call today and we’ll help put your mind at ease!

Image: Freepik