Look Carefully at Dry Mouth: Causes and Treatment

We have all experienced having a dry mouth. Some medications are designed to dry the head such as antihistamines; life-saving medications for high blood pressure; thirst and dehydration; anxiety … these are a few of the things that can result in a dry mouth. But if dry mouth is persistent, this can lead to oral problems. A visit with our family dentist can provide solutions to bring relief.

When your mouth is chronically dry you may be suffering from Xerostomia. This condition can have very serious consequences for your overall and dental health if you are unable to produce sufficient saliva.

Saliva serves many functions. Besides keeping the mouth moist, saliva flushes bacteria that would otherwise contribute to plaque build-up, dental decay, or gum disease. Saliva is needed to aid in healthy digestion as well.

Saliva lubricates the mouth allowing us to speak. You may have noticed when your mouth is dry your tongue feels sticky … words and sounds are formed when the tongue and teeth work in concert. When the tongue is unable to move freely, speech patterns may be affected.[pullquote]Besides keeping the mouth moist, saliva flushes bacteria that would otherwise contribute to plaque build-up, dental decay, or gum disease.[/pullquote]

If medications for illness or anxiety produce dry mouth, a change in the drug or dosage may help (always done with the instruction of your medical or dental provider).

Caffeine and alcohol consumption can contribute to dry mouth. Thirst should trigger taking in fluid, but what you drink can make matters worse. Dehydration can occur from a high fever, hot weather, or exercise … whatever causes it, a great response when thirsty is water. Sugary or carbonated beverages can have a small place in your diet on a very limited basis.

Sucking on sugar free candy and chewing sugarless gum are both ways to increase saliva production. Our family dentist can recommend one of the many rinses available that are geared to increase saliva.

Sipping on water throughout the day also helps. Adding a little fresh fruit to your water gives it flavor.

Seeing our family dentist every six months serves many purposes. Your teeth are thoroughly cleaned removing any tartar that has built up since your last visit; teeth are polished to look their best; and our dentist will perform an exam looking for signs of dental decay, gum disease, or conditions like Xerostomia.

Solutions will be provided to make you look and feel your best!

If you’re suffering from dry mouth, or it seems to keep coming back, call our office today at 210-616-0858 and set up your appointment.

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