Myths About Root Canal Treatment

root canal San AntonioRoot canals are joked about, feared, and in general have been given a bad rap. But in actuality, they are a tooth saving procedure designed to eliminate pain.

Symptoms That Signal the Need for Root Canal Treatment

Discomfort when biting down, or a toothache in general – while there can be many reasons why you may be experiencing pain, a quick dental x-ray will confirm if a root canal is needed.

Sensitivity to hot, cold, sweet, or spicy – It might be as simple as gum recession, but if the protective covering of the tooth has been breached, the zinging sensation you feel might indicate the need for a root canal.

Sometimes there are no obvious symptoms.

Dispelling Myths About Root Canal Therapy

They are painful – Root canal treatment actually provides a solution that eliminates the pain you had prior to the procedure. During a root canal, the tooth and surrounding area is anesthetized for your comfort.

They are expensive; it’s just easier to have the tooth pulled – Since the alternative to having a root canal is to have the tooth extracted, you have to consider the complications following an unnecessary extraction – some of which include remaining teeth shifting and bone loss impacting neighboring teeth. Replacing a removed tooth is an added expense making the cost associated with a root canal very affordable.

Tooth will become more problematic and will probably need to be pulled anyway – the root canal process involves accessing the canals of the tooth and removing the contents. The tooth is cleaned out and eventually the access point is sealed (very often with a dental crown). If a problem should develop, the tooth can be retreated.

Root canals can make you sick – actually the opposite is true. Failure to treat can allow infection to develop into an abscess that can spread to other parts of the body.

A root canal, also known as endodontic therapy, is a safe and effective means to save a tooth. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact our office today.

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