Preventing Dental Injuries on the Field and on the Court

dentist in San Antonio

Sports injuries can occur whether you are playing a contact sport or one where contact is not anticipated, but can happen. The proper protection can make the difference between maintaining good oral health; or experiencing a chipped, fractured, or dislodged tooth. Your dentist can assist you by fitting you with a customized mouth guard that can protect your teeth, tongue, soft oral tissues, and jaws.

What Does a Mouthguard Do?

A mouthguard is made from plastic and is designed to be worn over teeth to provide protection from a blow. When teeth are protected, they can’t damage soft oral tissues or the tongue. A dislodged or broken tooth can lead to costly and time consuming treatment.

Custom Fitted or Over the Counter?

If you buy a one size fits all mouthguard, you may not get the appropriate fit. If the mouthguard is ill fitting  it won’t do its job. In addition, your dentist will make sure your mouthguard is appropriate for your activity. If you experience any problems with it, your dentist will work with you to make sure it’s correct. Acquiring the tools to fabricate your own mouthguard at your sporting goods store or online does not provide the professional guidance your dentist will.

Many organized sports programs mandate using mouthguards, but leave it up to you to obtain.

A custom fitted mouthguard fabricated by your dentist will fit and feel as good as possible; in addition it will provide the maximum protection available.

What Kind of Damage Can Occur?

Contact to the face or mouth that is not protected can result in cuts in soft oral tissues like cheeks or tongue; cuts to gum tissue; chipped or broken teeth; or the loss of one or more teeth. Depending on the sport of engagement, a properly fitted mouthguard may result in a reduction in the rate of concussion.

Athletes that wear braces are in jeopardy of mouth cuts as well as damage to their orthodontics. This is why a custom fitted mouthguard is so important.

If you or a family member engages in an activity where there is a possibility of incurring contact, a visit with our dentist is in order. Invest in the proper equipment to maximize your comfort and safety. No one plans an injury so once you have your mouthguard, make sure it is worn. Contact our office today!

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