How Regular Dental Visits Can Save You Money

How Regular Dental Visits Can Save You Money

Did you know that regular trips to the dentist can save you money? With routine examinations and cleanings, your family dentist can detect potential problems early on thus preventing more invasive and costly procedures in the future. When patients skip dental checkups and cleanings for a long period of time, untreated conditions such tooth decay and gum disease (that may not produce noticeable symptoms at their onset) will ultimately require extensive treatments such as root canal therapy or deep, periodontal cleanings. [pullquote]With routine examinations and cleanings, your family dentist can detect potential problems early on thus preventing more invasive and costly procedures in the future.[/pullquote]

For example, enamel loss and the early stages of decay are undetectable to the untrained and naked eye. However, during examinations your family dentist will use diagnostic technology to reveal certain conditions long before they produce noticeable symptoms. When enamel loss and tooth decay are treated in their early stages, your dentist pay administer simple, cost-effective treatments such as fluoride supplements to strengthen teeth and fillings to stop the spread of decay and restore the tooth’s shape and size. Using a filling is less invasive and costly than other restorative procedures such as placing dental crowns.

Some oral health conditions such as periodontal (gum) disease can severely impact a patient’s wellbeing when left undiagnosed and untreated. When periodontal disease goes untreated, the infection can spread throughout the entire oral cavity and ultimately attack teeth and bone. As the primary cause of tooth loss in adulthood, chronic gum disease must be managed with professional treatments such as root planing and scaling. Fortunately, with proper oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings, patients can greatly reduce their risks for periodontal infection.

During dental cleanings, our hygienists use special tools to remove tartar buildup around teeth and along the gum line. Tartar deposits are a major contributor to gum disease because this substance irritates and inflames gum tissue.  Since tartar cannot be removed by brushing and flossing alone, bi-annual cleanings are an effective and budget-friendly method for preserving oral health and preventing chronic gum disease.

To learn more about preventive dentistry or to reserve your appointment with our family dentists, Drs. Bonner and Huriega, call our office today.