Sedation Dentistry: Will I feel anything during treatment?

sedation dentistry San AntonioIf you’re feeling nervous about a procedure from your dentist, there are options to make your experience more comfortable and positive. Sedation dentistry is a comfort amenity that can be added to a number of oral health procedures.  There are different types and levels of sedation; however, all of them help produce a calming effect and relieve discomfort.

Sedation dentistry is great for those who have dental fears and phobias, or for more invasive procedures that require long treatment times and stillness. The three types of sedation we offer are nitrous oxide, oral sedation, and intravenous (IV) sedation.

Nitrous Oxide

This mild form of sedation is administered through a nasal mask. Nitrous oxide has been used in dentistry for more than 100 years. Since this is a drug-free treatment option, there are no lingering effects once the mask is removed. Nitrous oxide provides a calming and analgesic effect so it is ideal for minor dental anxiety and less invasive treatments.

Oral Sedation

This option is stronger than nitrous oxide and does affect motor function. Oral sedation involves taking prescribed tablets about an hour before your appointment. The type of medication used is from a class of drugs that have anxiolytic and sedative effects. Oral sedation is ideal for those with more pronounced anxiety or for those receiving treatments like tooth extractions or periodontal therapy.

Oral sedation can cause grogginess and drowsiness. Since the medication prescribed in oral sedation impairs motor function, you will need to have a family member bring you to and from our office.

IV Sedation

IV sedation involves delivering anti-anxiety medication through an intravenous feed. This form of sedation is beneficial to those receiving oral surgery and other lengthy treatments. IV sedation does not produce unconsciousness, but the effects of the medication do make it possible to sleep comfortably throughout dental treatments.

If you suffer with dental anxiety or want to ensure maximum comfort during your next treatment, call Aesthetic Dental Partners to learn more about sedation dentistry.

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