When you are faced with the decision to replace a missing tooth, it’s nice to know that you have at least three options. Some tooth replacement options have proven to be more effective, more conservative, or more natural-looking than others. Sorting out the details, and choosing the solution that is best for your particular needs can be challenging. Of course, not all tooth replacement choices are created equally, and our implant dentist serving San Antonio can offer a great deal of guidance, advice, and support during the decision-making process.
A removable partial denture is a commonly used replacement for missing teeth. Generally anchored to either an acrylic or metal base, artificial teeth and gums can be designed to fit into the space previously occupied by the missing teeth. For stability, a removable partial denture must span the distance of the entire upper or lower jaw. This full-mouth restoration is most useful for patients who are missing multiple teeth on both sides of the mouth. Where the goal is to replace a single tooth, this option is generally considered to be excessively bulky and aggressive.
There was a time when the fixed dental bridge was the most popular choice for replacing a single missing tooth. This restoration literally “bridges the gap” between two natural teeth, where a tooth has been lost. With this option, the natural teeth on either side of the missing tooth must be modified and reshaped, and then capped (or crowned) in order to properly seat the bridge.
Dental implants have revolutionized the delicate science of replacing a single missing tooth. The size of an implant, virtually the same size as a natural tooth, is significantly less bulky than a removable partial. Implants conserve more of your natural tooth structure, since they do not require the unnecessary removal of any tooth structure. Once the implant becomes permanently fused to the underlying bone, stability is gained and bone loss is effectively prevented.
Tooth replacement is an important decision. Contact our implant dentist today to find out which choice is best for you.