Tackle Tough Dental Stains with Zoom Teeth Whitening

tooth whitening San AntonioStained, discolored, or drab teeth can ruin your smile. However, Zoom tooth whitening has the power to improve your smile making it fabulous! A consultation with our cosmetic dentist will reveal how this revolutionary product can boost your self confidence and give you the smile you deserve.

Teeth can become stained for many reasons … food and beverages, tobacco use, some medications, and aging can all contribute to the appearance of teeth. Your dentist will discuss how Zoom is likely to work for you.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

Before whitening begins you may be advised to have your teeth cleaned to remove any plaque and tartar that has formed since your last dental visit. On whitening day, your Zoom specialist will make sure you understand all the steps involved with whitening, and prepare you to be dazzled with your new smile.

Soft tissues around teeth are protected; the gel is applied; and a special Zoom light is employed to expedite the whitening process. The standard whitening process usually involves three brief interludes designed to whiten teeth that are stained or discolored.

Upon completion, a post treatment gel is applied to protect enamel and help reduce sensitivity. In less than one hour, your teeth can be several shades lighter providing you with a very noticeable improvement. Zoom can continue to work on your teeth brightening them even more in the weeks following treatment.

A take home touch up kit is usually provided with instructions on how and when to use it to help maintain your great smile.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

For patients wishing to whiten in the comfort and privacy of their home, our practice also offers take-home whitening kits. Custom trays are fabricated, and the patient is issued instructions on the best way to maximize the effect of their whitening experience.

While not as fast acting as in-office whitening, you can expect similar results when instructions are followed when whitening at home.

Our cosmetic dentist may discuss how tooth whitening impacts porcelain crowns, restorations, and veneers. If any cosmetic work is anticipated, whitening should always be completed first so our dentist can match your newly lightened shade.

Tough dental stains no longer detract from your smile once you’ve undergone professional teeth whitening. Follow the guidelines provided and enjoy your new smile! For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Aesthetic Dental Partners today.


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