Teeth Grinding: It’s More Than Just a Bad Habit

Grinding your teeth and/or clenching your jaw often starts subconsciously during periods of sleep. You may not even realize you’re doing it unless your partner hears you or you start experiencing the symptoms that are a result of this damaging habit like pain in the neck, jaw, head, or ear; or your dentist sees the evidence.

Teeth grinding is often the result of anxiety or stress. We all experience stress: financial problems, family issues, school or work schedules that put demands on our time. These are just a couple of reasons we might start grinding teeth at night. And as issues remain unresolved, grinding continues until it is occurring both night and day. Without intervention, this grinding can do irreversible damage to your oral health

What type of damage is being done?

Regular grinding can wear down dental enamel which can lead to decay or broken teeth. Oral bacteria can permeate the tough outer surface of the tooth allowing the possibility of infection to occur. This very often requires endodontic therapy (root canal) followed by a crown to seal the tooth.

What can be done to prevent these issues?

First you have to recognize the problem exists. When you visit your dentist every six months for a cleaning and dental exam, if you don’t already know there is a problem, your dentist will recognize the evidence of your grinding.

For some, grinding might occur due to a dental malocclusion (where the top teeth do not properly align with the bottom teeth). Your dentist might be able to provide a little relief by improving your bite, but if this does not resolve the problem, there is another option.

A night guard is the ideal solution for patients suffering from the teeth grinding habit. A custom fitted night guard will stop or prevent teeth grinding in most patients, and this form of dentistry is a proven solution that is economical as well as effective.

It is important that you have your dentist fabricate a night guard to provide a comfortable and effective unit; after all if it doesn’t feel good and fit right, you won’t wear it.

Call our caring team today if you are concerned your teeth may be feeling the effects of stress.

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