The Benefits Of Invisalign®

Invisalign® is an orthodontic treatment option that corrects your misalignment, so you can enjoy better oral health. In addition, the treatment system uses clear and cozy plastic aligners instead of metal braces, and offers a host of advantages over traditional braces. In today’s blog, your San Antonio, TX, dentist’s office is examining the benefits of Invisalign® aligners.

A Clear Appearance

The most obvious benefit of Invisalign®, and the main factor that draws teens and adults alike to this treatment option, is the clear nature. The aligners are made from a clear plastic material, which means they’re practically invisible when worn. For adults worried about their professional appearance or for image conscious teens, this makes the idea of orthodontics treatment more palatable.

A Comfortable Fit

Each set is custom-made for your smile, which means they can fit comfortably and offer treatment with precision and accuracy. The aligners also help you avoid the gum and cheek irritation often reported with braces.

Removable Orthodontics

They’re removable! Unlike braces, which are affixed to your teeth directly, these aligners can be easily removed as needed throughout the day. For example, you can take them out before you eat. No need to avoid sticky or chewy foods, and no worries about particles being stuck in your orthodontics. Being removable also means that brushing and flossing your teeth is much simpler, so you can better protect your smile during the treatment process. You can also take them out for special occasions, such as graduations, job interviews, and first dates.

Shorter Treatment Times

The treatment process is simple. You will wear a set of the aligners from the series for about 20 to 22 hours per day, for a period of around two weeks. At which point you start wearing the next series, and repeat this process as your teeth are gradually and gently repositioned. For teens and adults, this requires as little as a year to 18 months, which is shorter than treatment with braces. The system can also require fewer office visits too!

If you have dental misalignment, don’t let your appearance and oral health suffer. Instead, talk to our team about Invisalign®, and whether these clear and cozy aligners are the right choice for correcting your uneven smile. We want to help your family enjoy optimal oral health, and a smile that inspires confidence.

Speak With Your San Antonio, TX, Cosmetic Dentist About Clear Orthodontics

If you have an uneven smile, we have a comfortable and barely visible option to correct your smile! If you would like to learn more about the Invisalign® system, please call Aesthetic Dental Partners in San Antonio, TX today at (210) 446-3446. We’re ready to help correct your uneven smile, protecting you from malocclusion and worsening oral health, and also helping you obtain an attractive smile in the process.


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