Tooth Restorations: How Dental Bridges Can Help

dental bridges San AntonioDental bridges are a common restoration used to replace missing teeth. These restorations can look and feel like biologic teeth as well as provide the biting surfaces necessary to enjoy restored oral function. Dental bridges are custom made for maximum comfort and longevity.

How Dental Bridges Work

A dental bridge restores the appearance and functionality of a smile by replacing the biting surfaces of missing teeth. This is accomplished by connecting a series of custom dental crowns to teeth. Crowns are tooth-shaped restorations that can fit over a tooth or be fastened to a metal base for prosthetics.

Essentially, a bridge closes the gap between missing teeth. Up to four consecutively missing teeth can be replaced by a dental bridge.

Benefits of Bridges

Since bridges fill in the biting surfaces of empty tooth sockets, they substantially improve oral function after tooth loss. They will also provide necessary support to adjacent teeth and restorations so that they don’t collapse into empty tooth sockets.

Dental bridges and crowns can be constructed from a number of materials. Common materials include gold, silver, and zirconia. Porcelain and porcelain-fused-to-metal bridges and crowns look the most natural because of the color and light-reflecting properties of porcelain.

Caring for Bridges

Dental bridges are an investment in your oral health. While they are made from disease-resistant materials, bridges and adjacent tissue require daily care.

Bridges are brushed along with natural teeth. It is important to keep their surfaces clean and brush soft tissue surrounding bridges. Since bridges rest on the gums, some patients purchase water irrigators, which flush a stream of water between the bottom of the bridge and the gums. This is beneficial for keeping the gingiva under a bridge stimulated and free of debris.

If you have questions about your restorative dentistry options, including dental bridges, call Aesthetic Dental Partners to reserve a consultation with our dentist.

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