Top 5 Ways to Prevent Dental Cavities

Top 5 Ways to Prevent Dental Cavities

dentist DatapointCavities don’t just affect children. In fact, this common dental concern can develop among patients of any age and every demographic. Since tooth decay can form without noticeable symptoms, it’s important to receive routine checkups with your dentist every six months. In addition to keeping appointments for checkups and cleanings, there are things everyone can do to prevent tooth decay.

Following are the top five ways you can reduce your risks for developing cavities.


Frequent and proper brushing helps ward off common oral conditions like tooth decay and gum disease. Brushing removes plaque accumulation that coats teeth and gums. It also helps control oral bacteria. We recommend that patients brush two to three times a day about 30 minutes after eating. Keep in mind that it takes about two minutes to thoroughly brush teeth, gums, and the tongue.


Brushing alone is not enough to prevent dental cavities. People should floss at least once per day to clean deep between teeth where a toothbrush cannot reach. We recommend using waxed dental floss with the ADA seal of acceptance.

Drinking Plenty of Water

When it comes to protecting your teeth, water is a great ally. Drinking water throughout the day rinses the surfaces of your mouth and dilutes acids that weaken teeth. We encourage all our patients to drink eight to ten glasses of plain water each day.

Reducing Sugar Intake

Consuming sugar is dangerous to your oral health because it feeds the bacteria that contribute to cavities. Reducing sugar intake can help control cavity-causing bacteria and reduce the acid attacks that occur when these bacteria feed on sugar particles. Diets low in starches and sugar with plenty of vibrantly-colored vegetables and lean proteins are ideal.

Moderating Acidic Foods and Drinks

Acid weakens tooth enamel, the substance that protects teeth from cavity-forming bacteria. Avoiding citrus, soda, tea, and coffee can help protect teeth. If you are consuming an acidic drink, consider using a straw to limit acid’s contact with dental surfaces.

If it’s time for a checkup or cleaning, give our team at Aesthetic Dental Partners a call to schedule an appointment with our dentist.