Top Teeth-Staining Foods and Beverages and How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help

cosmetic dentist San AntonioAnything with dark pigments can stain our teeth, and repeated exposure to teeth-staining foods and drinks will permanently discolor our teeth. Fortunately, our cosmetic dentist offers effective solutions such as professional whitening and porcelain veneers to help you enjoy a flaw-free smile.

Following is a list of common teeth-staining foods and drinks along with helpful information on cosmetic dental solutions.

Beverages that Stain Teeth

Sure, wine might be packed with anti-oxidants that can lower your risks for chronic disease, but this dark-colored beverage can seriously dull your teeth.

Instead of red wine, consider drinking white wine in moderation and choosing a variety that is low in sugar. If you enjoy a glass of red on occasion, we recommend drinking it with a straw to keep dark molecules off your teeth.

Soda and coffee are culprits that contributes to developing permanent tooth stains, too. Drinking soda is also dangerous because it is acidic and sugary. Instead of soda, we encourage patients to drink sparkling water as a fizzy alternative.

Darkly-Colored Fruits and Vegetables

The same teeth-staining molecules in wine can be found in fruits like berries and plums. While these foods are nutrient-dense, there are alternatives that produce less staining. Consider eating kiwi, avocado, and dragon fruit as these items pack a nutrient punch with less risk for contributing to permanent stains. Beets and purple cabbage contain high concentrations of anthocyanins, which can stain teeth, too.

If you do eat dark-colored vegetables and fruits, be sure to drink water with your meals to help rinse stain-causing molecules off your teeth.

Tackle Permanent Stains with Professional Teeth Whitening

Our practice offers in-office and take-home professional teeth whitening treatments to help you reclaim a white, vibrant smile. These effective treatments can lift years of permanent stains from the innermost layers of your teeth without causing permanent sensitivity.

Enjoy a Total Smile Makeover with Porcelain Veneers

Sometimes, dental stains can be treatment-resistant – particularly if these stains are intrinsic. Porcelain veneers are a great solution for creating a whiter smile when teeth whitening doesn’t produce desired results. Veneers also conceal chips, cracks, and tooth wear.

Call our office today to reserve a smile makeover consultation with our cosmetic dentist.

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