Do Veneers Stain Just the Same as Natural Teeth?

Providing a total smile makeover, porcelain veneers are a cosmetic dental service used to conceal nearly any type of aesthetic imperfection such as chipped, gapped, and stained teeth. Placed by our cosmetic dentist, veneers are permanent enhancement to a patient’s smile that produces a flawless yet natural looking appearance.

These cosmetic enhancements are made from handcrafted, wafer thin pieces of high-quality porcelain. Custom made in dental laboratories, porcelain veneers are designed to fit over the front side of teeth to produce a uniformly perfect appearance. Placing porcelain veneers requires two visits to our dental practice. During the first visit, our cosmetic dentist will take molds of your teeth. These molds will be used to determine the proper size and shape of each veneer so that patients enjoy a natural looking enhancement to their smiles. After the veneers have been made by laboratory technicians, patients will return to our office for the placement process where our team will prepare the teeth for the bonding process. Veneers are cemented over the teeth to ensure stability and longevity.

Although teeth are susceptible to staining, veneers are not because porcelain is a very stain-resistant material. In addition to the benefits of porcelain producing a white smile, each veneer is polished with a special glaze that protects veneers from damage and mimics the natural luster of teeth.

If you are interested in enhancing your smile with cosmetic dentistry, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with our cosmetic dentist. During your consultation, our team will determine the best way to improve the appearance of your smile based on your needs and state of oral health. At your consultation, feel free to ask any questions you may have about porcelain veneers and other cosmetic services so that we can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. If our dentist determines that you are a candidate for porcelain veneers, we will set up appointments that work for your schedule to place your veneers.

To reserve a smile makeover consultation with our dentist, contact our team at 210-616-0858 today.

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