What is dental plaque and tartar and how can I get rid of it?

You’ve probably heard the words “plaque” and “tartar” from your dentist and commercials for oral hygiene products. The accumulation of plaque and tartar contributes to common oral health conditions like tooth decay and gum disease. Controlling plaque and tartar starts with a good oral hygiene routine and by keeping regular appointments with your dentist for checkups and professional cleanings.

What is the difference between plaque and tartar?

Plaque is a biofilm that coats our teeth and gums. Filled with millions of bacteria, plaque is a translucent, sticky substance caused by oral bacteria feeding on sugar molecules from the foods and drinks we consume.

If plaque is not removed, it will calcify into tartar within a day or two. Over time, tartar can build up along the gum line and it will irritate the gingiva and cause the gums to pull away from teeth. In fact, tartar accumulation is one of the leading causes of gum disease.

How is plaque removed?

Plaque can be removed with brushing and flossing. If you brush properly twice a day and floss daily, you can remove most plaque that forms each day. When brushing, it is important to take your time and gently brush all surfaces of your teeth, your tongue, and your gums. Since it takes about two minutes to thoroughly brush, we recommend using a timer or keeping an eye on a clock.

Flossing is just as important as brushing. There are a variety of interdental cleaners available such as handheld flossers, dental tape, and waxed floss that can help you keep the areas between teeth clean.

If you have questions about oral hygiene products and how to use them properly, give our team a call. We are happy to help our patients develop an effective oral hygiene routine.

Can I remove tartar with brushing and flossing?

Unlike plaque, tartar cannot be removed with home care. The only safe way to have tartar removed is to receive a professional dental cleaning. Dental cleanings are a gentle, non-invasive way to protect your oral health.

Call Aesthetic Dental Partners today to reserve an appointment with our dentist.

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