What to Expect When Getting Dentures

What to Expect When Getting Dentures

dentures San AntonioBeginning your journey with dentures is exciting. Tooth loss has profound effects on our self-esteem and our daily life. If you are going to be receiving dentures soon, you might be wondering what you should expect. Following is important information to help you become more acquainted with dentures.

Before You Receive Dentures

The process to receive dentures will require a couple of visits to our practice. Your first visit will involve a consultation. Our dentist will help you determine if full or partial dentures are right for your needs and your lifestyle.

After your consultation, you may need appointments to have remaining teeth extracted. Then, molds will be taken of your jaws. These molds will be used to construct your custom dentures. Every denture is made to very exact specifications to ensure that it fits properly and complements your facial structure.

The process to make dentures can take a few weeks. While your permanent dentures are being made, our team will provide you with a temporary set.

Getting Accustomed to Permanent Dentures

It’s important to understand that getting used to dentures takes some time. In fact, the first few weeks you have your dentures, you will likely feel some soreness and have a little difficulty speaking clearly. As your gums adjust to the weight of your new teeth, this soreness will subside. With time, you will also feel more confident in your speech.

While you adjust to your prosthetics, we recommend cutting your food into small pieces to make eating easier. You can also practice speaking with your dentures by reading aloud each day. Within a few weeks, your confidence and comfort will increase substantially.

Cleaning Your Dentures

Although dentures don’t develop disease, keeping them clean is very important. Like teeth, dentures can accumulate plaque from oral bacteria. Be sure to brush your dentures at night with a soft-bristled brush and soak them in an ADA-accepted soaking solution to ensure that they stay moist while you sleep.

Our team is here to help you navigate your tooth replacement options. Give us a call to reserve an appointment with our dentist.