Why Early Detection of Tooth Decay is So Important

dental exam San AntonioTooth decay, also known as cavities, can be devastating if not found and repaired as soon as possible. If allowed to progress, decay can result in infection and the possible need to extract the tooth. Visits to the dentist every six months can play a big role in the early detection and repair of tooth decay.

How do cavities happen? It is a different scenario for everyone, for some of us have harder enamel providing greater protection for the tooth. Weaker enamel may allow bacteria to breach the surface of the tooth. Once bacteria have permeated the protective enamel layer of the tooth, it continues to build often leading to decay.

Decay usually means discomfort; and left untreated the decay will grow. If it is allowed to reach the core of the tooth and the nerve becomes impacted, the only treatment options are a root canal or extraction of the tooth. Both of these solutions are costly and time consuming.

If a cavity does occur, early detection and repair can prevent extensive treatment later. And with tooth colored resins available, the filling is virtually invisible.

Preventative action is much better than having to react once a problem occurs. The steps you can take to enhance your oral health include:

Brushing daily – A fluoridated toothpaste used twice daily does offer protection. Fluoride strengthens dental enamel. Your dentist might recommend using a fluoride rinse … in-office fluoride applications are also available.

Flossing daily – Reducing plaque build-up is important. Flossing removes food particles that your toothbrush did not reach from between teeth. If not removed, the bacteria from these foods remaining in your mouth form plaque that hardens and builds on teeth until removed by your dental provider.

Diet – Awareness of the contents of the foods we eat and beverages we drink and how they impact oral health might make you think twice about their consumption. Too many sugary snacks and drinks contribute to plaque build-up. Carbonated beverages should be limited, but if consumed use a straw to allow the beverage to bypass the teeth.

Dental Visits – Every six months your dental provider will thoroughly clean your teeth and polish them to look their best. A dental exam will reveal any existing problems, and bring awareness to areas of concern. Follow advice given for decay prevention and optimum dental health.

If you’re ready to schedule your next six month appointment, call our team today at Aesthetic Dental Partners to set up a date!

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