Why should malocclusions be treated?

braces San AntonioA malocclusion occurs when the top arch of teeth do not properly align with the bottom arch. This can be due to overcrowding, malformed teeth or external factors like thumb sucking. Whatever the cause, straight teeth produce many positive results including healthier teeth and gums and a beautiful smile. Dental braces offer the optimum treatment to repair a malocclusion, and Invisalign clear aligners provide a carefree method of teeth straightening.

Crooked teeth provide areas for bacteria to grow. These areas are more difficult to reach with your tooth brush during daily maintenance. While dental floss may be able to remove food debris from these difficult spots, your daily care routine may be insufficient to guard against plaque build-up and the potential for dental decay or gum disease to develop.

Straight teeth are not just easier to keep clean, but they also promote a great smile. For many teens and young adults that did not have their teeth straightened as a child, or may be experiencing a setback … it is never too late to repair a malocclusion. Invisalign clear aligners are ideal for a couple of reasons:

  • Clear – These aligners are straightening your teeth while you enjoy virtually invisible treatment.
  • Removable – Invisalign aligners are taken out for meals and snacking. This means nothing is off limits, and you can continue to enjoy all your favorite foods that may be prohibited with metal braces.
  • Ease of brushing and flossing – These practices can be performed daily without the obstruction experienced with traditional braces. Your dentist can perform a thorough cleaning and dental exam every six months as well to keep teeth healthy throughout the teeth straightening process.
  • Comfortable – There are no metal wires or brackets to damage soft oral tissues.
  • Convenient – Instead of regular visits to the dentist to have wires tightened to keep teeth moving, a new aligner is introduced every couple of weeks to keep the process on track.

At the conclusion of treatment, teeth have been gently moved to their correct occlusion, eliminating the areas where bacteria can grow resulting in dental decay and/or gum disease.

Teeth are now easier for the patient to keep clean. In addition, the patient is rewarded with a beautiful smile. Straight teeth are important for improving the odds of maintaining excellent oral health.

Call Aesthetic Dental Partners today to speak with our caring team and be on your way to the best smile you can have!

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