Why Smiling Is Good For You

dentist WurzbachYou may have heard the adage – a smile is a frown turned upside down; or maybe that it takes much more effort to frown than smile. It is a fact that a smile will bring joy to the person who receives it as well as the one sending a smile. Unfortunately, many dental maladies make smiling difficult. Our dentists offer solutions for any number of dental problems.

The Importance of a Smile 

Greeting someone with an outwardly pleasant demeanor is much better than presenting a grumpy, angry, or unhappy countenance. A person who smiles has the following things going for them:

Attractiveness: A smile lifts your appearance making you much more pleasing to all around you. A smile sends a message that you’re approachable and friendly. This is an outstanding trait that can make you successful in all aspects of life.

Happiness: If you wear a smile, you will be happier. Sharing that happiness with others will improve the lives of the people around you like family, friends, and coworkers. Even strangers will respond positively to a smile versus a scowl or frown.

Improve Your Health: Smiling has a way of boosting your immune system and can work as a stress reliever. Less stress can lead to improved blood pressure levels enhancing overall health.

A Smile is Contagious: If you greet everyone you meet with a smile, the overwhelming response will be a smile in return.

Why Smiling May Be Difficult

Since the appearance of your teeth might discourage smiling, a visit with your dentist may be in order to improve:

Stained or Discolored Dentition: The reasons can be numerous … medications, neglect, lifestyle habits like tobacco use … whatever the reasons, there are solutions.

Broken, Chipped, or Deeply Stained Teeth: A tooth colored bonding material can resolve many problems.

Uneven, Misaligned, or Unwanted Gaps Between Teeth: Veneers are available to correct one or multiple teeth totally altering your appearance in a few dental visits over a couple of weeks.

Missing Teeth: There are a variety of tooth replacement options to help correct this issue.

Whether you prefer a grin or a broad smile, use it daily … you will readily see how good it is for you.

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