Will I Experience Sensitivity After a Root Canal?

A root canal is often recommended in situations where a tooth has become very uncomfortable. The root canal removes the nerve and the pulp from the tooth, effectively making the tooth unable to sense cold, heat, or other stimulation. However, the tooth is still usable for biting and chewing. Under some circumstances, though, a tooth might remain sensitive or experience discomfort after a root canal. If you have undergone a root canal in the San Antonio area and need information about ensuing sensitivity, please contact our dentists for an appointment.


What Can Cause Sensitivity After a Root Canal

Several issues can lead to post-root canal sensitivity. Although the main nerve that serves the tooth is removed, other nerves still serve the gum area. The root canal procedure can lead to some irritation to the gums, which can lead to sensitivity for a short time after the procedure.

Sensitivity can also occur as a result of whatever condition led to the root canal in the first place. If your tooth was treated because of extensive damage or infection in the root area, this might still require time to heal after your root canal procedure. During this healing period, you might still experience discomfort or sensitivity.


Managing Sensitivity After a Root Canal

Regardless of what might cause sensitivity after a root canal, you should mention it to your dentist. Sensitivity could indicate that nerve or pulp tissue still remains in the tooth, or the infection was not entirely removed and has spread or is taking hold again.

Your dentist is the best source of information and advice about how to handle any situation regarding discomfort after a root canal. He can examine your tooth and determine what the cause might be, then prescribe any necessary medications or suggest ways to minimize or eliminate discomfort. Medication such as antibiotics might be required to complete treatment of underlying infection, or to stem any possibility of infection spreading. Medication to control the discomfort might be necessary, as well, depending upon its severity and your personal preferences.

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